Re: Referrer Policy: Same-origin URIs

Please forgive my (continued) ignorance, but isn't keeping secrets out
of GET requests the law of the land for secure web application

Jim Manico
(808) 652-3805

> On Nov 9, 2014, at 6:48 AM, Michal Zalewski <> wrote:
> Thinking a bit more about this: it's probably more reasonable if
> you're hoping to safeguard tokens from ending up in various Referer
> analytics reports for unrelated parts of the site (the access to which
> may be delegated to people who have no interest in seeing the URLs).
> I still feel that if we're adding so much complexity to the directive,
> we should probably just bite the bullet and allow people to specify
> policies for domains in a CSP fashion, i.e., detailed referrer goes to
> *, *, *, origin referrer
> goes to *, etc. It would let people use analytics across multi-domain
> properties while reaping the benefits of a safe default for the rest
> of the Internet.
> /mz

Received on Saturday, 8 November 2014 23:22:57 UTC