FW: W3C WebAppSec WG Meeting

Including a meeting invite for new members, and to remind folks of the scribe cheat-sheet.

-Brad Hill

Scribe Instructions and IRC Quick Reference (IRC channel = #webappsec; irc.w3.org:6665)
The W3C uses several automated tools for assisting the scribing process on IRC: Zakim, RRSAgent and trackbot.
For additional info, visit: http://www.w3.org/2001/12/zakim-irc-bot.html, http://www.w3.org/2002/03/RRSAgent, and http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc

Scribe's Beginning of Meeting Checklist:
f not already present, invite bots to the channel (#<channel name>)
Please confirm: Zakim is present. If not, /invite zakim
RRSAgent is present. If not, /invite rrsagent
trackbot is present. If not, /invite trackbot
Enter the following information:
zakim, this is 92794
rrsagent, begin
Meeting: <name> (WebAppSec WG TPAC2011 F2F [Oct 31|Nov 1] 2011)
Chair: <Person's name> (bhill2, ekr)
Agenda: <link to the agenda> (TPAC2011: http://www.w3.org/2011/webappsec/TPAC2011.htm)
Scribe: <Person's name>
ScribeNick: <IRC nick>
zakim, who is here?

Scribe's End of Meeting Checklist:

zakim, list attendees
RRSAgent, set logs public-visible
RRSAgent, make minutes

Preliminary minutes are sent to http://www.w3.org/2011/<group<http://www.w3.org/2011/%3cgroup> name>/meeting/yyyy-mm-dd

Copy IRC log and generate preview.
Go to minutes URL (provided by RRSAgent), download and edit minutes as necessary.
Send to  bhill@paypal-inc.com<mailto:bhill@paypal-inc.com> and I will have the finished minutes published.

During the meeting:

Record what someone says:  <name>: <text>     (bhill2: this agent stuff is cool)
Shortcut for same speaker:  ... <more text>         (...but I'm glad I have a cheat-sheet)
ACTION: [name ActionText - DueDate] (ACTION: bhill2 to update irc quickref due Friday)
PROPOSED: [info]
RESOLVED: [info]
zakim, bhill is bhill2
zakim, mute me
zakim, unmute me
zakim, who is talking?  (to detect noisy people on the phone bridge)
zakim, mute <name>  (force mute if said noisemaker isn't paying attention)
Topic: [info]
subtopic: [info]
correction syntax: s/seplling/spelling/
present+ [name] (to add late arrivals)
present- [PhoneCode] (to remove coded IDs)
regrets+ [name] for last minute regrets
rrsagent, pointer? (gives location of IRC log)
zakim, choose a victim (randomly assigns a task to a participant)
Managing the question/discussion queue (for everyone, not just the scribe)
q+ (puts you in the speaker queue)
q- (remove yourself from the speaker queue)
q+ <name>, q- <name> (add or remove someone else from speaker queue)
q? (who is on the queue)
close the queue
open the queue

Received on Tuesday, 13 March 2012 20:56:41 UTC