> Freedom of speech prevents the government of infringing yours. It does not
> grant you a right of participation in a private forum. You are not in a
> public place, you are in a private place as a guest, and this place has the
> prerogative to throw you out and not hear you. If you visit someones home
> and do all kinds of things they disapprove of at their home, you can expect
> to be shown out the door, no difference here.
Oh. then I am very sorry, accidentally I got into this private place.
I really thought it is a public place.
According to you, I am wondering where I can find a public place on line.
Government's website directly owned by government?

By the way, since this is a private place, then do I have to pay for
the discussion service?

It is easy to throw me out, it is not easy for you ladies and guys to
figure out CORS is stupid garbage. (my personal point, you can insist
I am wrong and I am stupid. You can see how different our views are.
You ladies and guys vs me, either one party must be incompetent, we
have to admit this.) I would hope you can refute me on my post
#0042(almost exactly same as #0035).

I guess this forum is not a place to talk about what freedom of speech
is. I am still expecting you to refute me on what I wrote in #0042
(almost same as #0035). Please focus on the tech issue. By the way,
after I told you I do not require browsers to distinguish requests for
sensitive data from requests for protected data, you stopped
discussing the issue with me. Why is so? You still think what I wrote
in #0042 made no sense at all, am I right?

with best regards
Jack (Zhan, Hua Ping詹华平)

Received on Friday, 13 October 2017 15:51:24 UTC