PSA: Change the Latest Editor's Drafts of WebStorage, WebWorkers, WebMessaging, Server-Sent Events and WebSockets

Hi All,

The Web Platform WG intents to update the Latest Editor's Drafts of a set of HTML5 API specs, including WebStorage, WebWorkers, WebMessaging, Server-Sent Events and WebSockets. As no one in WPWG has committed to work on these specs, the latest EDs will be the WHATWG version. Please find the list of suggested changes below. 

* Web Storage (CR): Editor's Draft will be <>;
* WebWorkers (WD): Editor's Draft will be <>;
* WebMessaging (REC): Editor's Draft will be <>;
* WebSockets (CR): Editor's Draft will be <>;
* Server-Sent Events (REC): Editor's Draft will be <>.

The Web Platform WG will continue to maintain a stable version for each of these specs (while they are moving along the W3C Recommendation track), and deliver an updated version if necessary.

If you have any concerns with this proposal, please let us know by 22 October.



Received on Monday, 19 October 2015 17:52:31 UTC