Copying multi-range selection

Hi all,

We've been recently exploring ways to select bidirectional text and content that uses new CSS layout modes such as flex box in visually contagious manner.

Because visually contagious range of content may not be contagious in DOM order, doing so involves creating a disjoint multi-range selection.  There has been quite a bit of discussion about how we can better expose that to the Web since the current model of exposing a list of Range objects doesn't seem to be working well.

However, another important question I have is how copying such a selected content work?  Do we just stitch together disjoint content?  But that may result in the content being pasted in completely different order.

Does anyone from Mozilla can share their experience about this?

- R. Niwa

Received on Friday, 14 August 2015 22:11:31 UTC