I18N comments on "Manifest for Web applications"

Hello Webapps,

As previously mentioned, I am about to send you comments from the Internationalization Working Group on your document (whose current iteration lives at [1]). Because we use Tracker for our comments, I will be sending each comment under separate cover. The I18N WG is always happy to discuss our comments or ways to address same. Please let me know if you prefer to receive comments in a different format (such as Bugzilla) or if you need additional information.

If you want to see a summary of our comments, you can find them tracked at [2]

Regards (for I18N)


[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/appmanifest/

[2] http://www.w3.org/International/track/products/74 

Addison Phillips
Globalization Architect (Amazon Lab126)
Chair (W3C I18N WG)

Internationalization is not a feature.
It is an architecture.

Received on Thursday, 19 March 2015 17:20:50 UTC