PSA: publishing new WD of UI Events and D3E Keyboard specs April 28/30

Thanks to Xiaoqian, the UI Events and the two D3E Keyboard Events 
code/key Values specs have been moved to Github and we plan to publish 
them next week using the following Draft WDs as the basis:

If anyone has any major concerns about this, please reply right away. 
uievents is expected to be published on April 28 and the other two on or 
around April 30.

PRs are welcome and encouraged (the HTML validator reports a lot of 
errors for all of the "ReSpec resolved" versions of the specs)!

A few notes about these specs:

* The permissions of the specs' now obsolete Github repository will be 
set to read-only.

* After the open Bugzilla bugs are copied to Github Issues (or the last 
open Bugzilla bug is closed), the specs' Bugzilla component will be 
marked `Historical` and set to read-only.

Lastly, since this will be the second WD of UI Events since it was 
renamed, perhaps the "(formerly DOM Level 3 Events)" part of the title 
should now be removed <>. Any 
objections to that?

-Thanks, AB

Received on Friday, 24 April 2015 14:27:22 UTC