RE: Proposal for changes to manage Shadow DOM content distribution

From: Ryosuke Niwa [] 

> At the conceptual level, they're equivalent.  However, we didn't find the extra flexibility of using CSS selectors compelling as we mentioned in our proposal [1].

<details> is such an example, I think? Is the following a correct example of what client code would have to look like for <details>, under the proposal?

  <div content-slot="summary">Stuff</div>
  <div content-slot="main">

or, if you wanted to avoid the wrapper div,

  <div content-slot="summary">Stuff</div>
  <p content-slot="main">More</p>
  <p content-slot="main">Stuff</p>

It's interesting that none of the components surveyed used the <details> pattern...

Received on Wednesday, 22 April 2015 06:08:55 UTC