[selection-api] Moving toward First Public Working Draft

Hi Ryosuke, Ben, Kenji, All,

I'm looking for feedback about moving the Selection API [ED] to First 
Public Working Draft (FPWD) ...

A `rule of thumb` I generally use when considering if a spec is ready 
for a FPWD is if the feature set is mostly complete although there is no 
expectation all features are fleshed out in detail (IOW, looking for 
breadth mostly complete but not depth). The breadth question is 
important because a FPWD is also used as an "attorney snapshot" 
vis-à-vis the [PP]. Regarding the spec's open [Issues], there is no 
expectation a FPWD be bug/issue free (in fact, it would be rare if that 
was the case).

What are your thoughts about publishing a FPWD? Do you consider the 
latest ED to be feature complete; and if not, what major features are 

-Thanks, AB

[ED] http://w3c.github.io/selection-api/
[Issues] https://github.com/w3c/selection-api/issues
[PP] http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Patent-Policy/

Received on Saturday, 20 September 2014 12:52:41 UTC