Re: Blocking message passing for Workers

On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 9:21 AM, David Bruant <> wrote:

> With C, Java and all, we already know where adding blocking I/O primitives
> leads to. Admittedly maybe dogma trying to learn from history.

You still seem to be confusing the issue that I explained earlier.  There's
nothing wrong with blocking in and of itself, it's doing it in a shared
thread like a UI thread that causes problems.

On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 1:38 PM, David Bruant <> wrote:

> Workers don't have all the APIs that main-thread JS has today. What's
>> more, if one chooses to write async-only code for all contexts, then
>> there's no problem.
> That's not what I had understood. So both types of APIs (sync and async)
> will be available to workers for say, IndexedDB?

No, the general idea was that most APIs (especially complex ones, like IDB)
would only have async APIs.  The block-until-a-message-is-received API
(which is all this thread is about) could then be used to create a sync
interface for any async interface (or any combination of async interfaces,
or for number crunching work in another worker).  Nobody said anything
about only having sync APIs.

Glenn Maynard

Received on Tuesday, 12 August 2014 22:54:40 UTC