[XHR2] anonymous same-origin requests (alter withCredentials)

There used to be an "anon" flag that allows users to make "anonymous" requests.
4 months ago, it was dropped [1] (lack of followers? [2], [3])

Why is "withCredentials" not supported for same-origin requests?
Presumably because its default value is false, and changing such behavior would
break backwards-compatibility?
If so, I request to allow it to have three values:

- null (default, semantics of current "false" for backwards-compatibility)
- false (new meaning: do NOT add cookies)
- true

( note that I interpret "same origin request" as "CORS-free request", because
Chrome extensions can make cross-origin requests without CORS when it specifies
the host permissions in a manifest file. However, due to the lack of support
for "anonymous" requests, there is an unsurmountable privacy issue (see [4]),
which I want to fix ).


-- https://robwu.nl

 [1]: https://github.com/whatwg/xhr/commit/7c4b8cb0
 [2]: http://lists.whatwg.org/htdig.cgi/whatwg-whatwg.org/2013-March/039104.html).
 [3]: http://crbug.com/113920
 [4]: http://crbug.com/48118

Received on Monday, 17 February 2014 09:30:18 UTC