Re: Should minimal contentEditable default text input (was: contentEditable=minimal)

Without default text input, the current proposal for
contentEditable="minimal" is essentially just enabling cursors (drawing
them, dispatching events, performing default actions).  Rather than calling
the mode "minimal", which is ill-defined, why not explicitly call it what
it is: "cursor-only"?  Or, have contentEditable take a list of features to
turn enable: contentEditable="enable-cursors enable-CommandEvents".

Or, rather than tying this concept to contentEditable, with all the
assumptions and complications that brings up, why not expose this building
block as a completely separate attribute?

On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 1:25 AM, Anne van Kesteren <> wrote:

> On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 4:17 AM, Yoshifumi Inoue <>
> wrote:
> > is cool idea! I assume Range.detach() removes styles added
> >
> detach() is a no-op.
> > To implement text composition with this, I would like to have "wave
> > underline", "dotted underline", "thick underline" etc.
> seems complex in the context of overlapping
> ranges and such. Suddenly you're no longer applying CSS to a tree.
> --

Received on Thursday, 29 May 2014 22:50:53 UTC