Re: Custom Elements: 'data-' attributes

On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 7:18 AM, Soledad Penadés <> wrote:


> And that's where I suggested leaving attribute handling to the component.
> If it "self-registers" as handling a certain attribute, then don't let the
> UA handle it as it would do if unregistered.
I'm not sure what this means by UA handling, can you explain?  Let me give
you a concrete example and you can tell me what happens.  I work in higher
education, and we have custom elements for things like student's schedules
- showing them, making them, etc.  And we have lists of courses, etc.  Lots
and lots of stuff that has to do with classes (the kind that are taught)
and these classes have unique ids and titles too.  So what happens when I

<x-item class="WEB101">


<x-item class="WEB200" title="Intermediate Webby Thingz">


<x-offering class="WEB500" id="21_asdfasdWEFMD" title="Using AppCache">

These are important things to our component, so, probably I would register
them - but both class and offering mean something as global attributes, and
these are plugged into all sorts of things - CSS, qsa, etc...   When you
say "then don't let the UA handle it as it would do if unregistered" - what
does that mean in this case?  anything?  Would that all still continue to

I'm just trying to understand what you are suggesting there...


> --
> //
> //   //  @supersole //
> // GIF HACKTIVIST // Mozilla Apps Engineering //
>                                               //

Brian Kardell :: @briankardell ::

Received on Thursday, 15 May 2014 16:22:44 UTC