Re: Selectors: name find method and find signature

On 9/13/13 12:01 PM, Domenic Denicola wrote:
> Really? Argument defaulting and destructuring, at the very least

Is typically not used in web specs until very recently.

> As has been defining classes with constructors and classes that can be inherited from.

Classes with constructors, agreed.  Most web specs so far have not 
defined classes that can be inherited from, so it hasn't been a pitfall, 
exactly, more of an annoyance.

> What common pitfalls would you be thinking of?

Not defining order of argument coercions/checks.  Not defining 
interoperable handling of dictionary and arraylike inputs.  Not defining 
behavior of various arraylikes and hashlikes.

> Certainly. There's no desire to create something that's not useful to implementers. But, how would you declaratively specify something like "iterate over `iterable`, performing the following steps"?

That depends.  WebIDL has for the special case 
of "iterate over arraylike, performing type coercions".

What you might want in practice is prose describing the iteration (as 
here) and then declarative syntax for invoking that prose (e.g. 
sequence<Foo> means you do the sequence steps, with the Foo steps at the 
point where the sequence steps are parametrized over Foo).

That's obviously more limited than being able to invoke an arbitary 
algorithm, but also addresses a slightly different use case.  Which one 
is more common, we'll see.

> Or "let `returnValue` be `new this.constructor(1, 2, 3)`"?

I'd need to see this in the context of an actual algorithm to answer 
this question.  It depends.

> As their side effects are observable, they often need to occur in the middle of algorithms, not up front.

Why not up front?  This is a serious question.

The way type coercions in WebIDL work right now is that they're done up 
front, and then operations mostly occur on objects without observable 
side-effects of any sort.

This is also how jquery handles things in many cases; see the extend({}, 
argument) stuff sprinkled all over it at the starts of methods.

This obviously doesn't work in all cases, but it works in quite a number 
of them.  And it reduces the chance of algorithms or data structures 
ending up in inconsistent states, since any operation that has side 
effects can typically throw, and if your algorithm can throw at random 
points in the middle you have to be a _lot_ more careful how you write it.

> - What common pitfalls does WebIDL help you avoid, that fall outside the realm of class definitions/argument defaulting/argument destructuring/type coercions?

1) Return value creation.  For example, naive code people write to 
return a dictionary-like things or arrays sets properties on the return 
value via [[Set]] instead of defineProperty.

2) Clear definitions of the behavior for things with named/indexed 
getters/setters.  Maybe you include that under "class definitions"?  But 
the key here is that it's just one keyword to opt into a pretty 
complicated class of behavior, whereas doing this with an ES6 class, 
even is possible, would require per-class boilerplate.

But the meat of the benefits is in what you call "type coercions". 
There's more to it than just "end up with the right type".  E.g. if I 
have a method that takes a Node, then after I'm done with the type 
coercion I have an object that I can then operate on without triggering 
random side-effects on property access or whatnot, so my .textContent 
getter doesn't have to worry that getting the firstChild will do 
something wacky.  This is especially important if you have code that has 
elevated privileges (whether it be C++ or Rust or privileged JS) 
operating on these objects: in that situation it's critical to present a 
sanitized view of the object, which can only behave in certain very 
limited ways, to the code in question.  Otherwise you end up with 
confused-deputy security bugs all over the place.

Basically, my goal as an implementor, based on years of experience 
observing other implementors, is that someone implementing a DOM method 
should not have to know either the ins and outs of the ES spec or the 
details of the APIs for the browser's JS implementation.  Especially 
because both are in fairly constant flux.  Any time an implementor has 
to deal with those two (fairly large) cognitive burdens in addition to 
the (already large) cognitive burden of whatever the browser's internal 
representation for DOM objects is, they end up getting it wrong.  That 
includes fairly experienced implementors, not just new folks.

A good rule of thumb is that if a method implementor has to manually 
invoke anything in [[]] they will probably get it wrong.

Furthermore, privileged code should never be working with raw 
page-provided ES objects, because doing that makes confused-deputy 
scenarios impossible to avoid in practice.  For example, dictionaries 
that will be operated on by privileged script first need to be coerced 
to a new clean object with a sane proto chain, only value properties, 
and the values themselves coerced to be safe to work with.  To the 
extent that we do not have a way to specify or perform such a coercion, 
we have a problem.

Does that help?

> - How would you propose creating declarative forms for observable algorithmic steps?

It really depends on the steps.  Sometimes it may be impossible.  I 
would need to see specific examples, in actual algorithms, to comment on 
this intelligently.  In practice, what you can do is take _common_ 
algorithmic steps and provide declarative ways of triggering them.


Received on Friday, 13 September 2013 16:38:40 UTC