Re: Polished FileSystem API proposal

Hi there!

A new file system API with a lot of "promise" :-)

On Sat, Jul 13, 2013 at 2:31 AM, Jonas Sicking <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Yesterday a few of us at mozilla went through the FileSystem API
> proposal we previously sent [1] and tightened it up.
> Executive Summary (aka TL;DR):
> Below is the mozilla proposal for a simplified filesystem API. It
> contains two new abstractions, a Directory object which allows
> manipulating files and directories within it, and a FileHandle object
> which allows holding an exclusive lock on a file while performing
> multiple read/write operations on it.
> It's largely modeled after posix, but because we've tried to keep it
> author friendly despite it's asynchronous nature, it differs in a few
> cases.
> There are opportunities for further simplifications by straying
> further from posix. It's unclear if this is desired or not.
> Detailed proposal:
> partial interface Navigator {
>   Promise<Directory> getFilesystem(optional FilesystemParameters parameters);
> };
> interface Directory {
>   readonly attribute DOMString name;
>   Promise<File> createFile(DOMString path, MakeFileOptions options);

Why not CreateFileOptions? the method is called createFile and not makeFile

>   Promise<Directory> createDirectory(DOMString path);

You have a data as part of the MakeFileOptions, would that be useful here?

>   Promise<(File or Directory)> get(DOMString path);

Then shouldn't we have a convenience to see if a path is a directly or
not, like python has os.path.isdir(fileordirectoryname)

>   Promise<void> move((DOMString or File or Directory) entry,
>                      (DOMString or Directory or DestinationDict) dest);
>   Promise<void> copy((DOMString or File or Directory) entry,
>                      (DOMString or Directory or DestinationDict) dest);
>   Promise<boolean> remove((DOMString or File or Directory) path,
>                        optional DeleteMode recursive = "nonrecursive");

I don't like all these weird arguments like DeleteMode etc... just
make a separate method


>   Promise<FileHandle> openRead((DOMString or File) file);
>   Promise<FileHandleWritable> openWrite((DOMString or File) file,
>         optional CreateMode createMode = "createifneeded");

Can't the user not just handle the creation in the error case of the
promise. or create it before... It would so very easy to create a
openWriteCreateIfNeeded method on top of the existing API. So such an
argument should only be needed if there would be performance benefits
- otherwise keep the API simple.

>   Promise<FileHandleWritable> openAppend((DOMString or File) file,
>         optional CreateMode createMode = "createifneeded");
>   EventStream<(File or Directory)> enumerate();
>   EventStream<File> enumerateDeep();

It is not obvious for me what that method does.

> };
> interface FileHandle
> {
>   readonly attribute FileOpenMode mode;
>   readonly attribute boolean active;
>   attribute long long? location;
>   Promise<File> getFile();
>   AbortableProgressPromise<ArrayBuffer> read(unsigned long long size);
>   AbortableProgressPromise<DOMString> readText(unsigned long long
> size, optional DOMString encoding = "utf-8");
>   void abort();
> };
> interface FileHandleWritable : FileHandle
> {
>   AbortableProgressPromise<void> write((DOMString or ArrayBuffer or
> ArrayBufferView or Blob) value);
>   Promise<void> setSize(optional unsigned long long size);
>   Promise<void> flush();
> };
> partial interface URL {
>   static DOMString? getPersistentURL(File file);
> }
> // WebIDL cruft that's largely transparent
> enum PersistenceType { "temporary", "persistent" };

Is temporary a kind of persistence? (sorry not native speaker)

> dictionary FilesystemParameters {
>   PersistenceType storage = "temporary";
> };
> dictionary MakeFileOptions {
>   boolean overwriteIfExists = false;
>   (DOMString or Blob or ArrayBuffer or ArrayBufferView) data;
> };
> enum CreateMode { "createifneeded", "dontcreate" }
> enum DeleteMode { "recursive", "nonrecursive" }
> dictionary DestinationDict {
>   Directory dir;
>   DOMString name;
> };
> enum FileOpenMode { "read", "write", "append" };
> So this API introduces 2 classes: Directory and FileHandle. Directory
> allows manipulation of the files and directories stored inside that
> directory. FileHandle represents an exclusively opened file and allows
> manipulation of the file contents.
> The behavior is hopefully mostly obvious. A few general comments:
> The functions on Directory that accept DOMString arguments for
> filenames allow names like "path/to/file". If the function creates a
> file, then it creates the intermediate directories. Such paths are
> always interpreted as relative to the directory itself, never relative
> to the root.
> We were thinking of *not* allowing paths that walk up the directory
> tree. So paths like "../foo", "..", "/foo/bar" or "foo/../bar" are not
> allowed. This to keep things simple and avoid security issues for the
> page.
> Likewise, passing a File object to an operation of Directory where the
> File object isn't contained in that directory or its descendents also
> results in an error.
> One thing that is probably not obvious is how the FileHandle.location
> attribute works. This attribute is used by the read/readText/write
> functions to select where the read or write operation starts. When
> .read is called, it uses the current value of .location to determine
> where the reading starts. It then fires off an asynchronous read
> operation. It finally synchronously increases .location by the amount
> of the 'size' argument before returning. Same thing for .write() and
> .readText().
> This means that the caller can simply set .location and then fire off
> multiple read or write operations which automatically will happen
> staggered in the file. It also means that the caller can set the
> location for next operation by simply setting .location, or can check
> the current location by simply getting .location.
> Setting .location to null means "go to the end".
> Note that getting or setting .location does not need to synchronously
> call seek, or do any IO operations, in the implementation. Instead the
> implementation simply tracks .location in the API implementation.
> Whenever a read or write operation is scheduled, the current .location
> is sent along with the operation information to the IO thread and the
> seek can happen there. Many times the implementation can optimize out
> the seek entirely.
> The FileHandle class automatically closes itself as soon as the page
> stops posting further calls to .read/.readBinary/.write to it. This
> happens once the last Promise returned from one of those operations
> has been resolved, without further calls to .read/.readBinary/.write
> having happened. This is similar to IDB transactions, though obviously
> there are no transactional semantics here. I.e. there is no way to
> roll back any changes.
> There are a few things that we did have disagreements on and which
> would be worth debating:
> Is the setup around the FileHandle.location attribute a good idea?
> Some people found it confusingly different from posix.
> There's a few more "mode" flags in various functions than I like. In
> particular the "recursive" flag for Directory.remove was debated. Do
> we really need the ability to call .remove on a directory and have it
> fail if the directory isn't empty? And should it really be the default
> behavior?
> Likewise, can we get rid of the "createifneeded" vs. "dontcreate"
> switch for .openWrite()/.openAppend()?
> What about the overwriteIfExists flag for createFile?
> Do we really need the .openAppend() function? Or is it ok to ask
> people to use .openWrite() and then go to the end before writing?
> Finally, there was debate about if we need a Directory abstraction at
> all, or if we could create something simpler which relied on string
> munging instead.
> Some examples of what code would look like:
> // Save some downloaded data into a new file:
> navigator.getFilesystem().then(function(root) {
>   root.createFile("myfile.txt", { data: xhr.response });
> });
> // Append 5 bytes to the end of a large existing file:
> navigator.getFilesystem().then(function(root) {
>   return root.openAppend("largefile.dat");
> }).then(function(handle) {
>   return handle.write(new Uint8Array([1, 1, 2, 3, 5]));
> });
> // Increase the 100th byte in large existing file:
> var fileHandle;
> navigator.getFilesystem().then(function(root) {
>   return root.openAppend("dir/highscores");
> }).then(function(handle) {
>   fileHandle = handle;
>   fileHandle.location = 100;
>   return;
> }).then(function(buffer) {
>   assert(buffer.byteLength === 1);
>   var view = new Uint8Array(buffer);
>   view[0]++;
>   fileHandle.location--;
>   return handle.write(buffer);
> });
> I hope to send this proposal to public-script-coord soon after some
> debate on this list.
> [1]
> / Jonas


Received on Saturday, 13 July 2013 09:37:44 UTC