[admin] Some tips on using Mercurial and dvcs.w3.org

[ Bcc: public-{webapps,webevents,pointer-events,webapps-testsuite} ]

If you use hg @ W3C, please see the info below from Alexandre.

On 1/29/13 2:18 PM, ext Alexandre Bertails wrote:
> Hi,
> I wanted to share some tips about the use of Mercurial and
> dvcs.w3.org. It's based on very common issues that people are running
> into.
> do not use "tip" in the ED URL
> ------------------------------
> For Mercurial, "tip" is a virtual revision for the latest changeset
> among all branches.
> So, instead of using
>   https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ldpwg/raw-file/tip/ldp.html
> you may want to use
>   https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ldpwg/raw-file/default/ldp.html
> Instead of "default", you can use whatever branch is
> available. "default" will be there by default.
> do not force an `hg push`
> -------------------------
> When your Mercurial client tells you that you're about to create a
> remote head, DO NOT USE "-f" TO FORCE THE OPERATION. That's bad. Very
> bad.
> commit before pull/merge
> ------------------------
> Always `hg commit` before synchronizing repositories or you'll loose
> data.
> inspect the history tree
> ------------------------
> Run the following command to understand what happened:
> [[
> hg glog --template '{node|short}: {desc}\n' | head -55
> ]]
> That's also a quick and easy way to know who to blame :-)
> cut heads
> ---------
> To know about all the heads:
> [[
> hg heads
> ]]
> And that's how the French cut heads:
> [[
> ]]
> (don't forget to commit!)
> I hope this helps.
> Alexandre, W3C Systems Team.

Received on Tuesday, 29 January 2013 19:51:12 UTC