Re: Re: [XHR] anonymous flag

> > Now, if you are still not convinced this is a good change my plan B is to suggest a "credentialsPolicy" property so we'll find an agreement anyway. :-) But maybe explaining that no quirky getter magic is required helps you see the proposal in a new light?
> Whatever we're doing here is going to result in a lot of confusion.
> There's already lots of existing code, tutorials and documentation
> that treats this property as a boolean property. At best we'd not
> break existing code, but cause a mix of code/documentation which some
> treats it as a boolean and others as a string.
> Hence my statement that there's no way that we can create a clean
> solution while reusing the existing property.
> So my objection still stands. Creating a new property seems to have
> much fewer downsides.

OK then - Anne and others, what do you think about creating a new tri-state xhr.credentialsPolicy property and discouraging usage of xhr.withCredentials ?

Hallvord R. M. Steen
Core tester, Opera Software

Received on Thursday, 30 May 2013 11:17:54 UTC