Re: Filesystem events

Interesting conversation, thanks for pointing to it :-)

So it seems FileList should be live objects that show updates and removals
of files and this would be fetched poolling over it (not perfect, but does
the job). Ok, I have seen this yet and in fact I'm doing a "hack" looking
when modifiedTime and length are null on Chrome to detect when a file has
been (re)moved, but what happens when a file is added? How can I be able to
detect it? I'm specially interested on this use case.
El 29/05/2013 19:51, "Charles Pritchard" <> escribió:

> On 5/29/2013 10:26 AM, wrote:
>> Currently there's no way to fetch real time filesystem modifications
>> inside webapps, both on FileLists or DirEntries. I propose to add
>> filesystem monitoring events to the DirEntries objects, so when a file or
>> directory is added, removed or modified a corresponding event would buble
>> on the filesystem hierarchy up to the DirEntry object where an event
>> listener is registered to catch it, so the webapp would act in
>> correspondance (hashing the files, uploading them...).
>> This would also be applied to the FileSystem API and the DeviceStorage
>> API (so for example files dropped on that folder would be uploaded and
>> later removed, in a mail box or printer queue style) and up to some degree
>> on FileList objects, too.
> See also:
> 2012JanMar/0087.html<>

Received on Wednesday, 29 May 2013 18:22:05 UTC