Re: CfC - working on manifest

On Tue, 14 May 2013 18:39:34 +0400, SULLIVAN, BRYAN L <>  

> Chaals,
> Overall, I think we support this proposal but have some questions I  
> would like to get clarifications on:

Minutes of the discussion, to help jog your memory: (I apoogise for  
not linking those from the original CfC message).

> Maybe I don't recall but is SysApps asking Webapps to take the manifest  
> aspect?


> Or is this something Webapps thinks is its right because of the prior  
> focus on Widgets packaging? I don't recall  case of a group unilaterally  
> taking back something similar to something else it had worked on in the  
> past.

No, the idea is that we all agree on this.

> If SysApps did approve but in the end disapproved with the result, what  
> recourse would they have?

Comment on the spec and say "that's terrible, it should be...". If  
necessary as formal objections to moving forward. As a practical matter I  
think nearly all of sysapps members are also represented in webapps. So I  
would be surprised if there were a real issue.

> Woudnt it be better to have this as a joint deliverable then?

No, there is a handful of frustrating overhead to do that which, if it is  
as unnecessary as it seems in this case, the people who would have to deal  
with it (chairs, editors, staff contacts) preferred to avoid.

> Thanks,
> Bryan Sullivan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Charles McCathie Nevile []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2013 6:29 AM
> To: public-webapps WG
> Subject: CfC - working on manifest
> Hi,
> at the face to face meeting we agreed to take back the work on a manifest
> specification for apps, based on the current manifest draft from sysapps
> [1] that was developed from the proposal [2] included in our charter [3],
> and to leave the runtime part of the work with Sysapps.
> This is a formal Call for Consensus on that resolution. Silence will be
> taken as assent. Responses will be accepted up to the end of the day
> Tuesday 21 May.
> for the chairs
> Chaals
> [1]
> [2] http: 404 (and people ask me why I care where things get published)
> [3]

Charles McCathie Nevile - Consultant (web standards) CTO Office, Yandex         Find more at

Received on Tuesday, 14 May 2013 14:48:23 UTC