Re: jar protocol (was: ZIP archive API?)

Top-posting FTW!

Smells a bit like declarative navigation controller to me. (No, I don't  
say that like it's a bad thing, actually).


On Tue, 07 May 2013 16:29:49 +0200, Robin Berjon <> wrote:

> On 06/05/2013 20:42 , Jonas Sicking wrote:
>> The only things that implementations can do that JS can't is:
>> * Implement new protocols. I definitely agree that we should specify a
>> jar: or archive: protocol, but that's orthogonal to whether we need an
>> API.
> Have you looked at just reusing JAR for this (given that you support it  
> in some form already)? I wonder how well it works. Off the top of my  
> head I see at least two issues:
> • Its manifest format has lots of useless stuff, and is missing some  
> things we would likely want (like MIME type mapping).
> • It requires its own URI scheme, which means that there is essentially  
> no transition strategy for content: you can only start using it when  
> everyone is (or you have to do UA detection).
> I wonder if we couldn't have a mechanism that would not require a  
> separate URI scheme. Just throwing this against the wall, might be daft:
> We add a new <link> relationship: bundle (archive is taken, bikeshed  
> later). The href points to the archive, and there can be as many as  
> needed. The resolved absolute URL for this is added to a list of bundles  
> (there is no requirement on when this gets fetched, UAs can do so  
> immediately or on first use depending on what they wish to optimise for).
> After that, whenever there is a fetch for a resource the URL of which is  
> a prefix match for this bundle the content is obtained from the bundle.
> This isn't very different from JAR but it does have the property of more  
> easily enabling a transition. To give an example, say that the page at  
> contains:
>      <link rel="bundle" href="bundle.wrap">
> and
>      <img src="bundle.wrap/img/dahut.png" alt="a dahut">
> A UA supporting this would grab the bundle, then extract the image from  
> it. A UA not supporting this would do nothing with the link, but would  
> issue a request for /bundle.wrap/img/dahut.png. It is then fairly easy  
> on the server side to be able to detect that it's a wrapped resource and  
> serve it from inside the bundle (or whatever local convention it wants  
> to adopt that allows it to cater to both — in any case it's trivial).
> This means no URL scheme to be supported by everyone, no nested URL  
> scheme the way JAR does it (which is quite distasteful), no messing with  
> escaping ! in paths, etc.

Charles McCathie Nevile - Consultant (web standards) CTO Office, Yandex         Find more at

Received on Tuesday, 7 May 2013 18:53:47 UTC