Re: InedxedDB events : misconception?

On 4/22/13 1:41 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 10:36 AM, Boris Zbarsky <> wrote:
>> On 4/22/13 1:31 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
>>>> Is there a reason to not pass the success/error/upgradeneeded callbacks
>>>> in a
>>>> dictionary to open() in this case, so that the request object is born
>>>> with
>>>> the right bits and the actual reques it not kicked off until _after_ the
>>>> side-effects of getting them off the dictionary have fully run to
>>>> completion?
>>> Dunno, ask sicking.  But events do have some benefits over passed
>>> callbacks.
>> I don't understand the distinction.
> Callback arguments can only be "registered" once.  Events can be
> listened to multiple times.

What I meant is that I don't understand the distinction between the two 
in this particular case, when I am proposing that the callback arguments 
be registered as event listeners by the call.  I understand the general 
difference between the two, thanks.  ;)

This does mean that if you have more than one success listener you lose, 
of course....


Received on Monday, 22 April 2013 18:11:19 UTC