Re: [webcomponents]: Platonic form of custom elements declarative syntax

>  how that specific script tag knows what its "this" value is

I think I'm probably not answering your question, but I believe the notion
was that that script tag is handled specially by <element>, so it's a
<script>* which only ever executes in the 'scope' of <element>.

On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 2:54 PM, Rick Waldron <>wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 5:35 PM, Daniel Buchner <>wrote:
>> One thing I'm wondering re <template> elements and the association of a
>> specific script with them, is what is it really doing for me? From what I
>> see, not much. It seems the only thing it does, is allows you to have the
>> generic, globally-scoped script run at a given time (via a new runwhen___
>> attribute) and the implicit relationship created by inclusion within the
>> <template> element itself - which is essentially no different than just
>> setting a global delegate in any 'ol script tag on the page.
> I'd be interested in seeing a reasonable set of semantics defining how
> that specific script tag knows what its "this" value is; so far I
> understand that inside those script tags, |this| !== |window|.
> @Erik, what about |self|? That actually makes more sense and *almost* has
> a precedent in worker global scope
>  Rick

Received on Wednesday, 10 April 2013 21:57:23 UTC