Re: [XHR] Need to define the behavior when the Window the XHR is created from does not have an associated document

On 12/14/12 6:49 AM, Jungkee Song wrote:
> FWIW, does not create a new Window object

Yes, it does.  See 
processing steps step 14.  WebKit gets this wrong, but other UAs do it 

>    console.log(; // "InitWindow"

That's logging the navigation context name.

>      console.log(; // "InitWindow"

That's still logging the navigation context name.

>> In particular, in the case above this:
>>     alert(XMLHttpRequest == window.XMLHttpRequest);
>> alerts false per spec as far as I can tell, and the old Window is no
>> longer associated with the document at this point.
> In the above example, as both of the two global objects refer to the same
> object, it results in "true".

Did you actually test this in a non-WebKit UA?  The alert above alerts 
false in Gecko, as the spec requires it to.

But note that you can get the same effect by just navigating the a 
browsing context, then calling a function that was defined in the 
no-longer-active document, without worrying about browsers that have 
buggy open() implementations.


Received on Friday, 14 December 2012 16:30:50 UTC