[admin] Publishing specs before TPAC: CfC start deadline is Oct 15

The upcoming TPAC meeting week (Oct 29-Nov2) provides an opportunity for 
joint WG meetings and lots of informal information sharing. As such, it 
can be useful to make new publications before TPAC.

There is a publication "blackout period" around TPAC and Oct 23 is the 
last day to request publication before TPAC. Given our 1-week CfC for 
new publications, weekends, etc., Oct 15 is the last day to start a CfC 
to publish a document before TPAC. However, a lot of groups publish 
documents at this time so starting the CfC earlier is highly recommended.

Scanning [PubStatus], here are some potential candidates to publish 
before TPAC. It would be good to re-publish our newer specs, especially 
if the spec has had some relatively significant changes (since FPWD) 
and/or it is getting some implementation/deployment:

* File API - Arun can you get this spec ready for LC by October 15?

* Gamepad - Scott, Ted - what's the status of the spec and its 

* Indexed Database API - Jonas, Eliot - what's the status of LC#1 
comment processing? Is a new LC going to be necessary?

* Pointer Lock - Vincent - what's the status of the spec and its 

* Screen Orientation - Mounir - what's the status of the spec and its 

* Server-sent Events - Hixie - can you give a rough guestimate on when 
bugs 15495 and 18796 will be fixed? (It looks to me like those are the 
only two bugs blocking CR.)

If any other Editors want to publish a spec before TPAC, that would be 
great so please let us know and I'll start a CfC to publish.

-Thanks, AB

[PubStatus] <http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/wiki/PubStatus>

Received on Wednesday, 26 September 2012 14:28:07 UTC