Re: [UndoManager] Re-introduce DOMTransaction interface?

On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 10:36 AM, Ojan Vafai <> wrote:

> Another thing to consider if we add DOMTransaction back in is that you now
> need to specifiy what happens in more cases, e.g.:
> -call transact on the same DOMTransaction twice
> -call transact on a DOMTransaction then modify undo/redo listeners

You mean execute? Assuming that, the first one is a good point. We have the
second problem already with the dictionary interface because scripts can
add and or remove execute/executeAutomatic/undo/redo from the dictionary
within those functions or between transact/undo/redo.

These are solvable problems, but are just more complicated than using a
> dictionary. I really see no point in adding DOMTransaction back.

The point of adding them back is so that undo/redo are implemented as
events like any other DOM API we have.

> If you want, you could make transact just take the arguments you want
> DOMTransaction to take. Then of course, you end up in the case of needing a
> bunch of optional arguments due to automatic vs. manual transactions, which
> leads us back to using a dictionary.
> An alternative interface I'd be happy with would be transact(String label,
> Dictionary optionalArguments) since label is always required.

Well, label isn't always required; e.g. when a transaction is merged with
previous transaction.

- Ryosuke

Received on Wednesday, 11 July 2012 18:20:10 UTC