Re: [webcomponents] HTML Parsing and the <template> element

On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 11:48 AM, Erik Arvidsson <> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 06:46, Brian Kardell <> wrote:
>> I know of many, many templating systems and I have simply never (aside
>> from MDV) seen it in exactly this light (that is templates actually
>> embedded in others), regardless of whether those are for within the
>> browser for generating HTML (or anything else) or on the server - or
>> even for code generation.  It seems to me that there is a rich history
>> of templating text, it's very useful and in every case I have seen you
>> have "a template" and that template can contain references to other
>> templates, not embed them...  Am I seeing this improperly?  This seems
>> to be the case with freemarker, velocity, mustache, handlbars, even
>> jsp, asp, php, etc - (there are really a lot of them, I'm just
>> throwing out a bunch).  This kind of approach does not seem like it
>> would be out of place in HTML or even XML - we think about a lot of
>> things that way (in terms of references).  Are there some in
>> particular that someone could point to that illustrate otherwise?
> Most system do allow it. The syntax they use might not make it clear.
> <ul>
>  {{#each people}}
>    <li>Hello, {{name}}!</li>
>  {{/each}}
> </ul>
> In here there is a template between the start each and end each.

While you could think of it that way, that's not generally how we
refer to it when discussing templates - right?  Just pick any and the
documentation (it seems to me) will refer to "templates" separately
from instructions/macros/etc that make up the templating language (the
above are an example of handlebars each block helpers).  In your
provided example (which uses handlebars) the better analogy to what I
am arguing is partials - see
--- about 1/2 way down the page you will find:


You can register additional templates as partials, which will be used
by Handlebars when it encounters a partial ({{> partialName}}).
Partials can either be String templates or compiled template
functions. Here's an example:

var source = "<ul>{{#people}}<li>{{> link}}</li>{{/people}}</ul>";

Handlebars.registerPartial('link', '<a href="/people/{{id}}">{{name}}</a>')
var template = Handlebars.compile(source);

var data = { "people": [
    { "name": "Alan", "id": 1 },
    { "name": "Yehuda", "id": 2 }


// Should render:
// <ul>
//   <li><a href="/people/1">Alan</a></li>
//   <li><a href="/people/2">Yehuda</a></li>
// </ul>

Again, all of these templating systems (it seems to me) draw a
distinction between these two ideas... Am I missing something?

Received on Tuesday, 24 April 2012 16:12:14 UTC