Web API Design Cookbook

Hi all,

several people have been asking for a repository of common practices in designing Web APIs. This has also been discussed in DAP and the Script Library CG.

I've taken a few ideas I heard, fleshed out one of the sections as an example, and put it up at:


The source is on GitHub (it will also be synced to the W3C server where the previous skeleton was stored):


Everyone is welcome to contribute (either recipes or empty sections calling out the need for one). The way to do this is through the usual GitHub development process: fork, modify, and make a pull request to the editor.

Editing is handled from an organisation account, and I'm happy to add people to the organisation.

Robin Berjon - http://berjon.com/ - @robinberjon

Received on Thursday, 10 November 2011 15:08:58 UTC