Re: [whatwg] File API Streaming Blobs

On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 4:31 PM, Simon Heckmann <>wrote:

> Well, not directly an answer to your question, but the use case I had in
> mind is the following:
> A large encrypted video (e.g. HD movie with 2GB) file is stored using the
> File API, I then want to decrypt this file and start playing with only a
> minor delay. I do not want to decrypt the entire file before it can be
> viewed. As long as such as use case gets covered I am fine with everything.

Assuming you're thinking of DRM, are there any related use cases other than
crypto?  Encryption for DRM, at least, isn't a very compelling use case;
client-side Javascript encryption is a very weak level of protection
(putting aside, for now, the question of whether the web can or should be
attempting to handle DRM in the first place).  If it's not DRM you're
thinking of, can you clarify?

Glenn Maynard

Received on Monday, 8 August 2011 21:52:35 UTC