Re: [indexeddb] Should deleteDatabase return IDBVersionChangeRequest?

On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 2:15 PM, Israel Hilerio <> wrote:
> IDBFactory.deleteDatabase can be called without ever invoking the
> IDBDatabase.setVersion and requires a VERSION_CHANGE transaction for it to
> happen.  Unfortunately, there is no way for the caller of deleteDatabase to
> receive a blocked event because IDBRequest doesn't define an onblocked event
> handler.  Not having this functionality will prevent the deleteDatabase
> caller from understanding that someone has the DB locked and that the
> request cannot be honored.
> To support this scenario we would have to change the return value of
> IDBFactory.deleteDatabase to return an IDBVersionChangeRequest.  This will
> allow the caller to register an onblocked event handler and receive an event
> when the DB is locked by someone else.


> In addition, we may want to update the text in “4.10 Database deletion
> steps” step #6 from “fire a blocked event at request” to “fire a block event
> at version change request”.

Hmm.. isn't "request" just defined to be the variable used throughout
the algorithm to fire events at? It's more like a name of a variable
than a type. If you look at the VERSION_CHANGE transaction steps they
also simply use "request".

/ Jonas

Received on Wednesday, 15 June 2011 22:27:54 UTC