Re: File API exception codes

On Wed, 08 Sep 2010 06:12:36 +0200, Arun Ranganathan  
<> wrote:
> So I shall do as you did in the erstwhile Web SQL Database API.  Perhaps  
> I can keep the codes that I'm reusing from DOMException as is, so that  
> they are consistent with DOMException (for greater developer  
> familiarity).  But in the future, additional exceptions that are File  
> (or Blob) centric needn't keep pace with DOMException's exception codes.

I would prefer if you either used consistent numbering or otherwise used  
DOMException. We can design a new DOMError that follows the Web SQL  
Database API conventions. After all, we are creating a new version of DOM  

> Which brings us back to having a dedicated exception and error interface  
> for the File* APIs scenario, despite how attractive it is to have  
> DOMException reused here.  This allows specific codes that are File/Blob  
> centric anyway.  Cool?

That works for me too, but then please use internally consistent numbering  
rather than some codes matching DOMException and the new codes not  
matching DOMException as that is just too confusing, especially going  
forward. I.e. DOMException might gain a similar exception but it will have  
a different number, so only for the older numbers it will match, etc. It  
just does not make much sense.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Wednesday, 8 September 2010 08:17:32 UTC