[XHR] Status Update

The WG has published a Candidate Recommendation draft of XMLHttpRequest  


My apologies for not announcing this here when it happened.

As a result I worked most of last week and a bit during the weekend on a  
new test suite for XMLHttpRequest. The old one had become quite obsolete.  
I hope to put the results of that work online soon so people can take a  
look and maybe contribute the missing pieces. I will email about that  
separately once it is done.

As a result of working on the test suite I found a few minor issues that  
would be nice to resolve (I'm not particularly interested in the solution  
to each of these problems, but I thought I would propose one in order to  
move things forward). I filed these bugs on them:


I discussed with Art that I would not make changes to the editor's draft  
for non-editorial changes until the WG agrees to a change. As such I  
propose we have a Call for Consensus for each of the bugs above a couple  
of days from now when people have had a change to take initial look. Bugs  
with comments indicating that my solution may not be correct should be  
excluded from the Call for Consensus until the concerns are addressed in  
some way.

The tentative plan is to stay in Candidate Recommendation and update the  
Editor's Draft with changes as the WG agrees to them. As well as  
maintaining a test suite and tracking implementation conformance to that  
test suite. Then once we have two implementations that are conforming we  
can have another Last Call and hopefully move straight to Proposed  
Recommendation as we have proven that it can be implemented in  
interoperable fashion. (The security considerations document will have to  
be done as well by then, of course.)

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Monday, 9 August 2010 13:05:58 UTC