Re: Scientific Literature on Capabilities (was Re: CORS versus Uniform Messaging?)

On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 5:53 AM, Jonathan Rees <> wrote:
> The only complaint I know of regarding UM is that it is so complicated
> to use in practice that it will not be as enabling as CORS

Actually, Tyler's UM protocol requires the user to confirm message 5
to prevent a CSRF attack.  Maciej's CORS version of the protocol
requires no such user confirmation.  I think it's safe to say that
asking the user to confirm security-critical operations is not a good

> Regarding the idea that UM is unproven or undeployed - I think this is
> a peculiar charge given that object-oriented programming dates from
> 1967, and actors date from 1973; and current use of the capability
> pattern, for example in email list validation, shared calendar access
> control, and CSRF defense (Mark can probably provide many other and
> better examples), *is* something we can build on. Ocaps have been
> essentially unchanged for 40 years, with essentially no elaboration or
> revision despite heavy stress testing. AFAIK the academic and
> practical security communities have not converged on any distributed
> (i.e. multilateral) access control system *other* than capabilities.

You're really overstating your case to the point where it's ridiculous.


Received on Monday, 14 December 2009 18:17:22 UTC