[widgets] comments re View Modes Interface spec

Below are some comments from Yael re the View Modes Interface spec:


-Art Barstow

= Section 3.1:

Interface Media:

1. Interface Media is also defined in CSSOM (4.1), and the definition  
is not consistent. I think it should be defined in one spec, and the  
other spec should refer to that.

2. onTypeChanged attribute is defined to be an event. Usually,  
onXXchanged attributes are defined as event listeners, I think this  
is a mistake.

3. The descriptions of the attributes “type” and “ontypechanged”  
under the IDL definition are swapped.

Interface ViewCSS:

1. Interface ViewCSS is also defined in DOM2-CSS (2.2.1), and the  
definition is not consistent. I think it should be defined in one  
spec, and the other spec should refer to that.

= Section 3.2:

1. I do not understand the use-case for changing media type.  
According to CSS2-Media (7.3), e.g., the act of printing a document  
would add a second canvas, and would not change the media type of the  
existing canvas.

2. I do not understand the use case of creating a  
MediaTypeChangedEvent from JavaScript. This comment applies to all  
the events that are defined in this specification.

3. The pragmas of the links behind “Event.initEvent()”  are wrong.  
They lead to the top of the document DOM3-Events, instead of to the  
correct section.

= Section 3.4:

1. The media feature “Resolution” is defined in CSS3-Media-Queries  
(4.11) as density of the pixels, e.g. DPI. It is very confusing to  
reuse the same name (resolution) for something completely different.

2. Would ResizeEvent be sufficient instead of adding the new event  
ResolutionChangedEvent ?

= Section 3.5:

1. Copy/paste error in multiple places where “media type” is used  
instead of “orientation”.

2. iphone’s orientation events use degrees instead of  
“landscape”/”portrait”. That allows developers to know if the handset  
is held upside-down.

Received on Friday, 4 December 2009 14:39:53 UTC