[widgets] element-based localization


I'm trying to implement the element-based localization and I found the spec unclear with regards to the inheritance of th xml:lang attribute and I would like to propose some improved text. 

First, this attribute is listed as an optional attribute of the widget element but the widget element is not localizable, so one does not understand why. Then, many other elements (author, preference, icon, content ...) don't list this attribute and are not localizable but they can inherit the value of this attribute. The rest of the elements may have the attribute specified or inherited and use it for localization.

The paragraph explaining this behavior says:
"If an element is marked as being localizable via xml:lang with the word "no", it means that the element is not localizable via element-based localization. In other words, exclusion of an xml:lang  on an element indicates that that element is unlocalized content, except in the case whereby a parent element uses xml:lang  (this maintains consistency with the behavior of xml:lang as specified in the [XML] specification). Explicitly declaring xml:lang overrides any xml:lang value inherited from a parent element."

I think this paragraph (especially the last 2 sentences) are unclear. I would propose that you clarify as follows:

"As per [XML] specification, the xml:lang attribute can be specified on any element, including in the widget namespace, and the normal behavior for this attribute shall be applied (i.e. inheritance processing, and propagation of the xml:lang attribute on elements on which it is not specified). However, in this specification, the value of the xml:lang attribute (inherited or specified) shall be used for element-based localization only on the elements that indicates "Localizable via xml:lang: Yes.""

I would also propose to remove the definition of the xml:lang attribute such as:

    Authoring Guidelines:It is optional for authors to use the xml:lang attribute with an name element."
because even if not written, XML allows specifying this attribute on any element.

Finally, I would also create some tests in the test-suite to check that inheritance is applied and used or not depending on the element type.WDYT?

Best regards,

Cyril Concolato
Maître de Conférences/Associate Professor
Groupe Mutimedia/Multimedia Group
Département Traitement du Signal et Images
/Dept. Signal and Image Processing
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications
46 rue Barrault
75 013 Paris, France

Received on Thursday, 26 November 2009 13:41:23 UTC