Re: [widgets interface] Tests generated from WebIDL

Le jeudi 12 novembre 2009 à 17:35 +0100, Marcos Caceres a écrit :
> On the other hand, automated test generation can generate a large number 
> of test cases and is less prone to human errors. But, at the same time, 
> it cannot test some things that are written in the prose. For example, a 
> AU must not fire Storage events when first populating the preferences 
> attribute. This is impossible to express in IDL.

I complete agree that manual tests bring a lot of value, but I think it
would be unwise to refuse automated tests that express exactly what the
spec expresses — in particular, they can be extremely useful to detect
bugs in the WebIDL defined in the specs, bugs that are extremely
unlikely to be detected through manual testing.

In other words, I don’t see why manually and automatically created tests
are mutually exclusive, and I see very clearly how they can complete
each other.


Received on Thursday, 12 November 2009 16:46:45 UTC