Re: [File API] events vs callbacks

On 8/11/09 11:57 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
> My concern isn't that there are ways of using it correctly, my concern
> is that it's very easy to use incorrectly with bugs as a result.
How? Especially if we prevent more than one read at time. How is the
situation any worse than with XHR?

> This
> concern exists as long as the read API is available on the File object
> itself. We could make File not inherit FileData, but that wasn't the
> proposal made so far.
> Also note that progress events don't contain the actual data. So so
> far no-one has made a proposal what allows for streaming, which I
> would have thought would be an integral part of progress events.
Indeed. Progress events should be probably extended to contain data.
(Progress Events Level 2?)


Received on Tuesday, 11 August 2009 21:25:55 UTC