Re: Window Modes todo

Robin Berjon wrote:
> Do other implementers care to chime in with what they do, and if they'd 
> find this change acceptable?

As I recall Gecko's behavior, it works more or less like this:

1)  Properties listed as readonly in the DOM 2 Events IDL are in
     fact readonly.
2)  init*Event may be called multiple times, at any point when the
     event is not in the middle of being dispatched.
3)  dispatchEvent may be called multiple times, at any point when
     the event is not in the middle of being dispatched.

I believe #2 is a violation of the DOM 2 Events specification; I'm not 
quite sure why we allow that.  I think there were some historical 
reasons, but they might not be relevant anymore.  Olli might know more. 
  The "when the event is not in the middle of being dispatched" for 
dispatchEvent is probably technically a violation of that specification 
too, though it's more likely that the issue was simply not considered 
during the authoring of the specification.


P.S.  I hope I understood the question correctly...

Received on Monday, 27 July 2009 14:00:48 UTC