[WebDatabase] Database interface (vs. DatabaseSync interface)

It appears that Database, SQLTransactionCallback,  
SQLTransactionErrorCallback, SQLVoidCallback, SQLTransaction,  
SQLStatementCallback, and SQLStatementErrorCallback interfaces can all  
be eliminated from WebDatabase completely.

Given WebWorkers and DatabaseSync, why do we need the Database object  
at all? Are there use cases that cannot be satisfied by the  
combination of the two that?

There is a brand new programming model being promoted by the Database  
object, it is as complex as it gets and seriously I cannot get it. I  
don't know about you, but I doubt it will work for an average Web page  
author. Given its programming model, Oracle is not supportive of the  
asynchronous Database and related interfaces.


Received on Saturday, 25 July 2009 01:53:41 UTC