Re: [Widgets] APIs and Events preference change

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 6:33 PM, Scott Wilson
<> wrote:
> We've managed to implement Storage for Widget.preferences as an overlay over
> the older get/set method without any problems.

that's great to hear!

> One issue though is the HTML5 doc uses some syntax that relies on a
> Rubyesque method_missing capability that just isn't present in many
> environments, including, notably, JavaScript.
> E.g. the HTML 5 doc has this example:
> <label>
>  <input type="checkbox" onchange=" = checked">
>  I want insurance on this trip.
> </label>
> Now, we can handle this no problem:
> Widget.preferences.getItem("insurance")
> But:
> ... poses a bit more of a challenge!
> Thoughts?

I've CC'd Ian Hickson (editor of HTML5) and Anne van Kesteren (who
knows the inner working on this stuff much better than me). I think
this is useful feedback for when Ian rips the Storage interface out of
HTML5. Hopefully Anne or Ian can provide a suggestion as to how to
overcome the problem you described.

Kind regards,

Marcos Caceres

Received on Tuesday, 17 March 2009 11:26:50 UTC