Re: Call for Consensus - Selectors API to Candidate Rec

Jonas Sicking:
> Still not sure that I understand that chart. As I read it, firefox for
> the namespaceURI parameter of DOMImplementation.createDocument treats
> undefined as null (hence the 'N' in the second column). However I
> would have really expected us to treat undefined as the string
> 'undefined'. I just did a simple test, but it seems to confirm this:
> document.implementation.createDocument(undefined, 'tjo',
> null).documentElement.namespaceURI
> returns the string 'undefined'. Whereas
> document.implementation.createDocument(null, 'tjo',
> null).documentElement.namespaceURI
> returns the null value (not the string 'null').

Grr, bug in the test[1], sorry.  I was checking doc.namespaceURI
instead of doc.documentElement.namespaceURI.  WebKit stringifies to
"undefined" too, while Opera treats it as null.  I’ll update the results
in that row once I reboot into Windows and check IE.




Cameron McCormack ≝

Received on Friday, 13 February 2009 06:25:04 UTC