Update to Widgets Signatures Editors Draft

I have updated the Widgets 1.0: Digital Signatures Editors Draft [1]  
as follows:

+ fix SHA-256 URI

+ add RSA-SHA256 URI

+ update example to use SHA-256 and RSA-SHA256 and remove possibly  
misleading hash/signature values

+ add signing step for signature properties

+ change headings from Timestamps and WidgetSignatureProfile to  
Signature Propertes

+ fix various typos and editorial cleanup of text

Added issue - I suggest we consider referencing XML Signature 1.1,  
which will include SHA-256 and other additional algorithms as part of  
the specification, but which does not change the XML Signature  

regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch

[1] http://dev.w3.org/2006/waf/widgets-digsig/

Received on Monday, 5 January 2009 17:14:27 UTC