Re: Web Storage Scope and Charter

Hi, Nikunj-

Nikunj Mehta wrote (on 4/24/09 2:24 AM):
> On Apr 23, 2009, at 1:04 PM, Doug Schepers wrote:
>> Rather than change the charter (which would require everyone who's
>> already rejoined to re-rejoin at the simplest, and might require
>> another AC review at the worst), Nikunj offered that he would be
>> satisfied if more generic wording were put in the charter, and
>> highlighted as an issue.

Sorry, typo... I meant to say, "if more generic wording were put in the 
*spec*".  (Depending on the outcome of the WG's decision on the matter, 
we could change the charter language during our next rechartering, too, 
if necessary.)

> To be precise, I suggested that we can table the charter issue for now,
> and emphasize in the spec that we haven't finalized SQL as the only
> structured storage access solution.

Yes, thanks for the correction... my original sentence didn't make much 
sense. :)

>Preferably, the current Section 4
> would be renamed as
> [[
> Structured Storage
> ]]
> with the following wording in it:
> [[
> The working group is currently debating whether SQL is the right
> abstraction for structured storage.
> ]]

So, the phrase above is already in the spec... the only thing you're 
asking now is for Section 4 to be renamed, right?  Seems pretty minor.

-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG and WebApps WGs

Received on Friday, 24 April 2009 06:34:32 UTC