[widgets] Agenda for 18 September 2008 Voice Conference

Below is the proposed agenda for the September 18 Widgets Voice  
Conference (VC). Inputs and discussion on the agenda topics before  
the meeting is encouraged.


   Time: 07:00 Boston; 13:00 Paris; 20:00 Tokyo; 21:00 Brisbane
   Duration = 60 minutes
   Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 9231 ("WAF1")
   IRC channel = #wam; irc.w3.org:6665
   Confidentiality of minutes = Public


1. Review and tweak agenda

2. Announcements

3. Requirements LC#1: status of Disposition of Comments document

   Disposition of Comments for Requirements LC:

4. Widgets Core API and Events spec: status; what needs to be done to  
publish the FPWD:


5. Widgets Automatic Updates spec: status; what needs to be done to  
publish the FPWD:


6. Proposal to rename the Widgets specs:


7. Widgets V2/NextGen Feature list: what mechanism will we use; who  
wants to actively participate in the work; etc. See the following  


8. P&C spec: <update> death of the etag attr - please be prepared to  
discuss the issues raised in this thread:


7. AOB

Received on Wednesday, 17 September 2008 11:38:16 UTC