Re: Support for compression in XHR?

Jonas Sicking <> wrote:

> Stewart Brodie wrote:

> > I disagree with any proposal that allows the application layer to
> > forcibly interfere with the transports layer's internal workings.  Use
> > of encodings, persistent connections, on-the-fly compression are
> > entirely internal to the transport mechanism.
> This is fine for transport mechanism where capability negotiation is 
> two-way.
> However a relatively common use case for the web is transferring things 
> through HTTP, where the HTTP client has no way of getting capability 
> information about the HTTP server until the full request has already 
> been made.

I don't believe that this is the case.  Even in the case where you are using
a cross-domain request to a server that the client has not talked to before,
the client always has the option of attempting an OPTIONS request to see
what the server offers.  It might choose to do that if it's going to have to
send a large entity-body in the request; it might not bother if the entity
is small.

The application cannot possibly know that the request isn't going to get
routed through some sort of transparent proxy - or normal proxy for that
matter - where your forcing of encoding will fail.  That is why it is a
transport-level option, not an application-level option.

Stewart Brodie

Received on Thursday, 11 September 2008 17:05:29 UTC