Re: PR Merge rights [Was: Re: [XHR] formdata test failure in Opera test suite

On 4/19/13 8:53 AM, ext Robin Berjon wrote:
> On 19/04/2013 13:35 , Arthur Barstow wrote:
>> Well, with Hg, everyone in WebApps was automagically given full rights
>> to $TOP/webapps/* without having an extra request step.
> Right, with the corresponding issue that everyone else was de facto 
> locked out :)
> I doubt we'll ever get the same with the new repo, but we can 
> trivially add people. They just need to ask someone with admin power.

As a start, if I give you the GH logins of all of WebApps' Test 
Facilitators, can you give each of them access to all of WebApps' 


Received on Friday, 19 April 2013 12:56:48 UTC