Re: [w3c/ServiceWorker] Handle asynchronous modules (top-level await). (#1444)

jakearchibald commented on this pull request.

This looks good. Just one question (see review).

> @@ -3513,6 +3530,31 @@ spec: webappsec-referrer-policy; urlPrefix:
           Note: When an exception is [=throw|thrown=], the implementation does undo (roll back) any changes made to the cache storage during the batch operation job.
+  <section algorithm>
+    <h3 id="is-async-module-algorithm"><dfn>Is Async Module</dfn></h3>
+      : Input
+      :: |record|, a [=Module Record=]
+      :: |moduleMap|, a [=/module map=]
+      :: |base|, a [=/URL=]
+      :: |seen|, a [=/set=] of [=/URLs=]
+      : Output
+      :: a boolean
+      1. If |record| is not a [=Cyclic Module Record=], then:

I'm struggling to figure out what a "Cyclic Module Record" is. What's the difference between a Cyclic Module Record and a non-Cyclic Module Record? How does each relate to a module?

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