Re: [w3c/webcomponents] Scoped Custom Element Registries (#716)

@jarrodek a nother note about the registrys at all maybe not all got it right the registry don't registers any element!!!!! It registers Element Definitions i am creator of a next generation Frontend Framework that uses only raw EMCA i call it tag-html and here are some examples how customElements is implamented you can also look into the pollyfill from webcomponents

``` js
const definition = { connectedCallback() { this.innerHTML = 'Works' } }
const script = document.currentScript
const previousElementSibling = script.previousElementSibling

Hope that gives you some insights
class ElementDefinition {
    connectedCallback() {
        this.innerHTML = 'Works'

customElements.define('parent-is-element-definition',class ParentIsElementDefinition extends HTMLElement {
    connectedCallback() {
        const target = this.previousElementSpiebling

customElements.define('parent-is-element-definition',class ParentIsElementDefinition extends HTMLElement {
    connectedCallback() {
        const target = this.previousElementSpiebling
the conclusion is all your components and data are always accessable via the window object always there is nothing never like private vars only exempt is nativ code from the browser but even that is opensource and can be reviewed via patching the browser.

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