[whatwg/dom] MutationObserver characterData:true and input value property changes (#781)

Would it be possible to have characterData change MutationRecords/events raised for `input `element `value `property changes where the change was made directly in javascript via the native `value `property API/setter ?

Currently you cannot observe changes to an `input `element's `value `property with MutationObservers (because it's a property... though you would think there is characterData buried in there somewhere).

You can use "input" or "change" events on the element for user/keyboard changes to the `value `but there is no all-situations way of catching a change to the `value `made directly in javascript ;  you can override the `value `property setter but there are reasons you might not want to do this in a way that solves the immediate problem.

So, would it be possible to have characterData change MutationRecords/events raised for `input `element `value `property changes where the change was made directly via the native `value `property API/setter ie. in js as opposed to via the UI which would have issues in that you would still need timeouts etc to know when the data was all in  ?

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