[w3c/IndexedDB] WebAppsWG TPAC F2F agenda (Fukuoka, Sep 19-20 2019) (#288)

This is a **working draft** of the IndexedDB Agenda at TPAC, for the WebApps WG:

## Status Updates
* IndexedDBTransaction.commit shipped.

## IndexedDBTransaction waitUntil or manualCommit option
### Problem
IndexedDBTransaction's auto-commit mechanism is
1. confusing to users,
2. incompatible with Promises, and
3. incompatible with other async work.

While one could argue 3) is partially intentional, the other 2 are important problems that prevent more usage of IndexedDB.
### Proposal
Spec: TODO
Tracking: https://crbug.com/843769
IndexedDBTransaction.waitUntil (TODO: explainer / doc link)
Either implement waitUntil like the WebLocks API, or have an option on the transaction that disables auto-commit so the user has to call IndexedDBTransaction.commit
## IndexedDBTransaction Flush Option
### Problem
All IndexedDB transactions guarantee flushing & syncing their data to disk. This is costly, and most websites don't need this functionality but pay the performance cost for it anyways.
Firefox was able to stop flushing by default, and currently requires developer opt-in for flushing. 
### Proposal
Spec: https://github.com/w3c/IndexedDB/issues/50
Tracking: https://crbug.com/965883
Introduce a flag for IndexedDB Transaction creation to specify to turn on flushing. (TODO: doc link).
## Triage Issues on the IndexedDB Spec
### Problem
The IndexedDB specification has accumulated quite a few open issues, some of which are really old. Link: https://github.com/w3c/IndexedDB/issues/
### Proposal
We would like to have the community help us decide which issues are worth considering, and which issues can be closed.

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Received on Monday, 19 August 2019 16:34:16 UTC