Re: [w3c/ServiceWorker] A way to specify a pattern of destination URLs to hit/skip SW (#1454)

@mattto and I chatted about this, so here's a lump of thoughts:


I assume that URLs are resolved relative to the page?


Since the value can be a url or a 'special value' like "none", we need a way of differentiating between the two. We could probably use the same rules are module specifiers. As in, we treat it as a URL if it's one of the following:

* A full non-relative URL. As in, it doesn't throw an error when put through `new URL(url)`.
* Starts with `/`.
* Starts with `./`.
* Starts with `../`.

Otherwise we treat it as an enum, eg "none".


What happens with:

Service-Worker-Fetch-Scope: foo

Is this discarded as an unknown value, or does it activate the feature with no matching URLs (same as 'none')?


Is this allowed?

Service-Worker-Fetch-Scope: /imgs/, /script/

…and will fire fetch events for subresources starting `/imgs/` or `/script/`, or will it treat the whole thing as one URL?


We probably need to think of a name that doesn't include 'scope', as it may be confused with service worker scope. But meh bikeshedding.


We need to make sure this header is processed before any headers that trigger subresource fetches, eg `Link`.


I assume that this would only work as a genuine header, not some `<meta>` equivalent.


I guess this will work for other client types like workers?


It's difficult to express "bypass the service worker for urls starting `/video/`". I guess you could support `Ignore-Fetch` and `Fetch-Scope`, but if both headers are used in the same request it could get pretty complicated.


In cases where we inherit the controller of the parent document (eg about:blank, srcdoc etc) does it also inherit the fetch scope rules?


Can this feature detected in any way?


The ergonomics of adding a header to a response from the cache or network aren't totally friendly:

addEventListener('fetch', event => {
  event.respondWith((async function() {
    if (event.request.mode === 'navigate') {
      const response = await fetch(event.request);
      const responseCopy = new Response(response.body, response);
      responseCopy.headers.set('Service-Worker-Fetch-Scope', '/profile/');
      return responseCopy;
    return fetch(event.request);


With the declarative routes proposal, I tied the state to the service worker. This means the same thing that specifies the routes, also specifies the handling:

addEventListener('install', event => {
  event.router.add({ url: { startsWith: '/video/' } }, 'network');

addEventListener('fetch', event => {
  // You will never see a request for /video/* here

The header-based proposal doesn't give the same guarantees, and I'm worried this will create some unexpected gotchas:

addEventListener('fetch', event => {
  event.respondWith((async function() {
    if (event.request.mode === 'navigate') {
      const response = await fetch(event.request);
      const responseCopy = new Response(response.body, response);
      responseCopy.headers.set('Service-Worker-Fetch-Scope', '/profile/');
      return responseCopy;
    // Will you see subresource requests for /profile/* here?

In this example it looks like I'm forcing all controlled pages to have a fetch scope of `/profile/`, and I can imagine developers assuming they won't have to handle subresource requests to anywhere else. However, this isn't the case.

The controlled page may have been served by an earlier version of the service worker (due to `skipWaiting`), no service worker, or another registration (due to `clients.claim`). So there's no certainty around the rules the client is following.


If you end up with items in the cache with the `Service-Worker-Fetch-Scope` header, you might end up applying rules unintentionally.

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